Internal Awards to Support New Challenges



The Yamaichi Electronics Group have “People: Our Most Important Assets” and “Commitment to Quality” in our management philosophy. In order to spread this philosophy among our employees, we hold awards every year for teams that perform outstanding activities.

We would like to introduce our internal awards, Achievements Contribution Awards and Duties Improvement Awards, which supports employees’ new challenges globally.

The Yamaichi Electronics Group’s Achievements Contribution Awards and Duties Improvement Awards are initiatives that have a history of over 20 years. Achievements Contribution Awards are given to teams or individuals who have contributed to sales and profits. Additionally, Duties Improvement Awards are given to teams or individuals who have contributed to improved productivity and efficiency.


Each fiscal year, applications are submitted in advance from domestic departments and overseas subsidiaries for projects that are eligible for recognition, and a selection process is conducted. Afterwards, the results of the selected projects will be self-evaluated and reviewed by executives, and the winners will be determined.


In late September, the awards ceremony was held. This was the first time in four years that everyone gathered for the awards ceremony, as the online format had continued due to The Covid-19 Pandemic. A total of 11 teams* received awards for their activities in FY2022.

* In the Achievements Contribution Awards, two teams were selected for the Grand Excellence Award and one team was selected for the Excellence Award. In the Duties Improvement Awards, two teams were selected for the Excellence Award and six teams were selected for the Effort Award.


At this year’s Achievements Contribution Awards, two teams were selected for the Grand Excellence Award. The first team brought together members from North America and Japan, and the other team has members from Singapore, North America, the Philippines, and Japan. In this way, we often create project teams globally and work toward the same goal, rather than just working on a departmental basis.

The Yamaichi Electronics Group not only strives to improve product quality, but also regards its workers as an important human capital. We are working to create a corporate culture of mutual respect and recognizing new value creation and contributions through award systems that convey our gratitude worldwide.

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